Mick Curtis – Tasmania
Learning Ambassadors
Mick, originally from South Australia, began his working life in the abattoirs in Port Pirie. He struggled to complete Year 12, barely able to spell his own name. When he moved to Tasmania to work for Mitchell Plastic Welding, a small family-run business, the manager noticed Mick found reading and writing challenging. The manager asked if Mick wanted to improve his skills and, at 48, Mick happily accepted the challenge.
Supported by 26Ten, a network of organisations and individuals working together to improve adult literacy and numeracy in Tasmania, Mick started classes at the local community centre (Geeveston Community Centre) in 2022. His employer even pays for his time at the classes. In late 2022, Mick won Employee of the Month. He aims to improve his reading and writing skills further so that one day he can become a supervisor.