Ting Xu, Victoria

Ting connected with the Glen Eira Adult Learning Centre through the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP). Wanting to improve her English and then pursue other courses as she forged her new life in Australia, Ting has now worked hard to also complete courses in employment and computer skills, Australian Studies and an Introduction to Early Childhood Education.
Ting sees education and applying it in her new home as a way to connect and explore her new identity in Australia. Ting takes her learning seriously and is an excellent example of learning as an opportunity for exploration and growth.
Ting’s confidence has improved and she is now navigating life in Australia with direction and purpose. Her English has improved and this has given her the courage to join community groups, initiate conversations with her neighbours and feel part of a wider community.
Ting is now exploring volunteer opportunities in the primary education sector and community services. With an Adult Learners Week scholarship, she would like to either pursue the Certificate III in Education Support or Certificate III in Community Services.