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Kitti is a lifelong learner

Kitti is a lifelong learner

Kitti moved from Thailand to Australia in 2016. Like many migrants, Kitti had tertiary qualifications in Thailand that were not recognised here in Australia. She also found that her limited English made it difficult for her to find other work.

She completed an English as a second language course at Federation University to improve her language skills. After that she enrolled in a hospitality program at Ballarat Neighbourhood Centre (BNC). BNC’s hospitality programs have a strong vocational focus and aim to build strong networks. The program also helped Kitti develop her conversational English or “Australian”, which can very difficult for new arrivals. She went on to complete a Working in Cleaning pre-accredited program, which helped her get a job at a local resort.

Then through no fault of her own, Kitti was made redundant due to the impact of the pandemic on the business. But being a positive and enthusiastic person, Kitti knows how important it is to continue with her education. She really want to pursue a career in aged care.

If you know an outstanding learner why not celebrate their achievements and nominate them for an ALW scholarship.