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A glass half full outlook

A glass half full outlook

Tanya was referred to Hackham West Community Centre‘s adult community education (ACE) program by her friend. A single parent of two, Tanya was recently diagnosed with level 3 Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), ADHD as well as PTSD from a car accident which left her with a back injury and unable to pursue work in the automotive field.

An early school leaver, her goal is to study disability and she has been participating in the ACE Intro to Community Care course as a pathway to achieving her goal of becoming a disability support worker. She is a keen and extremely determined learner who despite multiple barriers focusses on achieving her desired outcome.

Her motto is ‘if you don’t get it right just keep on going!’ She describes herself as a ‘cup half full not empty person’ and believes you can ‘fake it until you make it.’

Tanya’s determination is admirable. She accepts help and guidance in developing learning strategies, thinks creatively to modify her language and is currently working on how she sees herself.

Tanya describes the impact being part of a community education course as significant. She has noticed an improvement in her communication skills and has learnt how to function with others who all have the same purpose.

Tanya says she has really enjoyed learning although she is behind others because it takes her longer to do the work. A self acknowledged ‘competitive streak’ gives her the drive to keep going.

As a single parent with a limited income, she would love to pursue her dream of undertaking Certificate 3 in Individual Support in disability to support others and especially her child who also has ASD.