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Stephanie Pitcher, South Australia

Stephanie Pitcher, South Australia

Steph is an artist, community facilitator, mother and wife – and she wants to continue on her adult learning journey so she is able to share her learnings with others.


Steph graduated from the O’Halloran Hill TAFE arts program before becoming a facilitator at the Goolwa Community Centre in September 2019. Working across several of the Centre’s social connections programs, Steph teaches art classes and runs youth arts workshops


This year, Steph enrolled in a Diploma of Creative Arts and Health so she could learn more about innovative uses of creative arts and the effects of creativity on brain patterns and behaviour. With some 14% of the Centre’s attendees living with a disability – and the Goolwa region having a large ageing demographic – Steph wants to know more about tailoring programs so that all attendees can create works they are proud of.


A #ALW2024 scholarship will enable Steph to purchase resources and materials to assist her study, which she will be undertaking part-time over four years to meet her work and family commitments.