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Cam Tran, Victoria

Cam Tran, Victoria

Cam is an adult learner with a visual disability in the Djerriwarrh Community and Educatio Services’ Skills for Education and Employment program. Originally from Vietnam, Cam is a dedicated to her education journey.


Arriving punctually every day, Cam completes everything to the best of her ability and clearly enjoys spending time with her classmates. She asks questions and writes everything down in her book, making word lists, with detailed explanations. With a positive attitude for learning English and other skills, Cam has become more confident with communication in English. She is able to now have conversations with other students and staff and is able to convey her thoughts in a clearer way.


Cam’s studies have made her more confident about tasks such as making doctor appointments or responding to messages and using IT and technology. Cam hopes to be able to pursue more study in the form of short language and computing courses to update her skills in both areas.