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Rachelle’s abilities have skyrocketed

Rachelle’s abilities have skyrocketed

Rachelle connected with the Libraries Tasmania Adult Literacy program in 2017. She wanted to work in childcare but wasn’t confident enough to do the study required. She worried that she wouldn’t be able to keep up with the literacy demands of the course, and would struggle to manage her time (she’s a young mum) and complete assignments without help. She was initially assessed as being at Level 1 on the Australian Core Skills Framework for writing and Level 2 for reading.

Over the course of 2 years, she worked on developing her understanding of the writing process – planning, drafting, proofreading, structure and sequence writing, understanding audience and purpose of texts, extending her vocabulary, improving her grammar/spelling and managing her time.

With her tutor’s encouragement and support, she completed:

  • First Aid certificate
  • ICT10115 Certificate I in Information, Digital Media and Technology
  • 10585NAT Return to Study

She is still travelling along her learning journey and is still working towards her goals, but her confidence in her abilities has skyrocketed.

In 2018, Rachelle started reading home readers with her son Mason. Rachelle contacted her sons school speech pathologist to get assistance with phonics. This is something she would not have felt confident doing prior to having 1:1 tutoring support.

In early 2019, she and her tutor felt that Rachelle was ‘ready’ continue her ‘Return to Study’ course independently, and enrol in the Childcare course after that. After teary goodbyes and lots of ‘thank-you’s’, Rachelle continued her study without her tutor’s assistance.

Rachelle recently applied for a Certificate in Childcare but wasn’t successful in getting in. She will apply again for the next round. She wants to eventually enrol in the Diploma of Childcare at TasTAFE which will give her options for working in the school sector, Child and Family Centres, Launching into Learning groups and similar areas. Her dream job is to be a special education support worker and work with children who have high level needs.

If you know an outstanding learner why not celebrate their achievements and nominate them for an ALW scholarship.