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Jypsey-Lee Banfield-Patterson, Northern Territory

Jypsey-Lee Banfield-Patterson, Northern Territory

Dyslexia and learning difficulties affected Jypsey-Lee’s enjoyment of school. However, since starting an adult learning journey as a young mum, she has come to understand that she learns differently from others, rather than not being able to learn.


Beginning her community services certificate course when her daughter was only two months old, Jypsey is now one of NT’s Batchelor Institute’s most reliable students. While classes start at 9.30am two days per week, Jypsey arrives at 7.30am to set up the classroom – often after a 25 minute walk to get there.


With her daughter now in child care and knowing now that she can complete all her work before other students, Jypsey is now thinking about professional jobs that she could get – particularly the type of jobs that will enable her to draw on her transferable skills and lived experience. At this stage, she is thinking of becoming a sexual health nurse or an alcohol and other drugs counsellor.


Jypsey has been put forward for a #ALW2024 scholarship, so that she can continue to study, achieve her employment goals and build a future for her and her daughter.