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New life skills for Anh Phan

New life skills for Anh Phan

Anh arrived in Australia from Vietnam in 2000. She completed 510 hours of English classes through the Adult Migrant English Program and although she wanted to study further, she had to work. She worked in a deli for a couple of years and then ran a small lunch bar with her husband.

In July 2017, tired from years of hard work she decided to take a break and go back to study. She wanted to improve her English to find a better job in the future.

In 2017 Anh enrolled in the Skills for Employment and Education (SEE) Program at North Metropolitan TAFE Balga campus in WA where she proved to be a highly engaged, motivated and hard-working student.

Always happy, caring, helpful and resilient, Anh was a great role model to her SEE classmates and to her larger community. Anh’s English language skills improved and she developed life skills for independence and involvement in community life.

Her main goal was to reach an advanced level of English for both social and professional purposes and she approached all challenges with a positive attitude. She set clear goals for herself, and constantly worked towards achieving them.

Anh found the course very useful and it developed her job search skills. She also enjoyed socialising with other students and made some very good friends while her English was getting better day-by-day.

In July 2018, having completed a Certificate III in Spoken and Written English Anh began a full time one year Certificate IV in Accounting. She felt her technological skills were weak and sought help from younger classmates as well as attending a Study Skills program. It was challenging. Anh says, ‘That one-year of study was not easy for me, but I always tried my best and told myself I should never give up.’

Anh has successfully completed the accounting certificate. She hopes to find part-time work so she can continue on her career path. She is aiming to study for an accounting diploma which would enable her to begin work in her newly chosen field and fulfill her Australian dream.

If you know an outstanding learner why not celebrate their achievements and nominate them for an ALW scholarship.