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Hayley’s education began after she left school

Hayley’s education began after she left school

School had not been a happy place for Hayley. Her education had been disrupted by bullying and frequent changes of school. When COVID hit in 2019 it cut short her year 10 studies and she was unable to finish.

A family friend suggested that Hayley study Foundation Skills at CIT before she resumed her mainstream studies.

But Hayley’s confidence was low. She worried that she wouldn’t be able to complete the Literacy for the Workplace class in the 10 weeks allocated. She worried about her literacy and computer skills and about mental health issues that had been a problem for her in the past.

But her teachers recognised Hayley’s aptititude for learning and reassured her that she could achieve what she wanted to achieve as long as she put her heart into it, and that she had their support every step of the way.

From then on, Hayley’s motivation and determination increased. She worked hard to complete tasks and assignments on schedule and never hesitated to ask for help, clarification or guidance. She was active in class discussions and positive in her feedback on other students’ class presentations.

Hayley stepped up to help other members of the class, answering new students’ questions and voluntarily offering support with her newly acquired technical/computer skills. She never missed a day in class, and is always on time.

Adult education has propelled Hayley on a new path. She feels more confident and empowered and ready to tackle new challenges. She is optimistic about her ability to learn and a newfound sense of achievement has boosted her self-esteem.

Hayley is keen to keep going with her studies. Her goal is to complete the rest of the Foundation Skills units and undertake a Certificate III in Individual Support and find work in the field. Hayley herself had a support worker during her early schooling and would love to put her personal experience and training to use in supporting others.