Chris believes in herself now

Chris left school at 12, spent 12 years in a violent relationship which left her with an acquired brain injury and is now the sole carer of three children with a disability. Chris’ confidence and self-belief have grown enormously since beginning her TAFE course 12 months ago. She values every minute of her time in class.

Chris demonstrates how important the opportunity to study as an adult is to her in every class and as she has no time during the day to do any homework due to the demands of her three special needs children, it is not uncommon for her lecturers to receive an email from her in the middle of the night submitting her work.

Chris says that learning has also helped her heal on a personal level.

“I spent a lot of time thinking I could not successfully study and pass. I have found it very challenging at times but I’ve built my confidence now and know I can do it. I have grown in so many ways both academically and personally through adult education. Before I came to TAFE, I was struggling to be verbal and leave my house because of trauma. Now I catch buses, go out in public, communicate assertively, speak in front of an audience for presentations and I believe in myself again.”

Chris is aiming to complete Certificate 4 in Women’s Advocacy and then work towards completing a Certificate 4 in Community Service.

If you know an outstanding learner why not celebrate their achievements and nominate them for an ALW scholarship.

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