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Sony is focussed on learning

Sony is focussed on learning

Sony comes from a background of extreme adversity. Orphaned and made sole carer for two younger siblings in her teens, she had little opportunity to access education in her home country of Cambodia, and had never formally studied English. In spite of this, or maybe because of it, she has the most resilient and determined outlook on life.

When Sony first started her English classes, she had a little spoken English but almost no written English. The fact that she was managing to run an online business is testament to her determination and fortitude.

Sony started classes at Glen Eira Adult Learner Centre in the beginner’s class, but she quickly moved into the level 1 class, which she attends regularly and enthusiastically. She is an active and engaged member of the class, and incredibly focussed on her learning journey.

Sony would like to continue to improve her literacy skills, with a long term goal to study a Diploma in Personal Care Formulation, so that she can create her own cosmetics brand.

If you know an outstanding learner why not celebrate their achievements and nominate them for an ALW scholarship.