Event tip : Promote connections

You can use Adult Learners Week to highlight what other learning opportunities are available in your area. Better still, host a ‘taster’ session with different activities available so people can try different activities and pursue them once Adult Learners Week is over.
Former ALW best event winner Burnie Library took this approach.
‘In previous years we’ve tended to have displays of learning opportunities or sessions that we regularly deliver and run it as an ALW event. But we decided to run taster courses where we aimed to connect people up with other ongoing learning groups outside the library.
‘Some of the events like the virtual reality sessions really opened people’s eyes to what the library has to offer. One person said, “Wow, I didn’t know the library had that kind of technology!” So there’s that word of mouth and promotion of library services that comes from people coming along and having a go.
‘Other events like drawing or writing classes were great chances for people to try things they hadn’t done before and find out about where they can follow up for further learning and inspiration.’
For more advice and information visit Plan an event and Resources pages.