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Learning in Casey

During Adult Learners’ Week 2018, the Casey Cluster of Neighbourhood Houses is working together with the Department of Education, Chisholm Institute and the City of Casey to promote life-long learning in Casey. From the 1-8th of September, they will work together to host a series activities at shopping centres, libraries and Neighbourhood Houses.

Neighbourhood House and local learning providers will provide tailored learning and pathway support throughout the week.

A range of fun activities aim to make learning opportunities visible and accessible to all potential learners, meeting the community’s needs and building learners’ confidence to take the first step on their learning journey.

Beyond Adult Learners’ Week, the Casey Community Solutions Project is working to strengthen and create long-term stakeholder relationships in Casey.

Throughout 2019-2020 look out for further examples of their shared approach to engaging Casey learners. Project goals include a Learning Ambassador Program, industry-focused ACFE programs, innovative learner engagement and more fun pop-up events.

For more information: (Search “Learn in Casey”) or email