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Josephine has big ambitions

Josephine has big ambitions

As an early school leaver and to satisfy government mutual obligation requirements, Josephine began full-time in the Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) program in September 2015, studying Foundation Skills. At first Josephine resisted her lessons saying that she’d left school in year 8 because she hated school as well as the teachers.

But after about a month, Josephine came to realise that she had a penchant for learning and was interested in the content. In no time at all she was completing units at a very fast pace. Discovering she was pregnant, Jo attacked her studies in earnest and by late November had completed the Cert II and had commenced a Cert III in Business.

In December, Josephine took a few weeks off to give birth to her baby and settle into motherhood.

Josephine returned to SEE in January 2016 and completed her Cert III and began a Cert IV in Business Administration. This year Josephine is also hoping to study a Cert IV in Project Management Practice.

Josephine realises that having an education would make her an excellent role-model for her son and education is the only way she is going to improve her own future prospects.

“I don’t want to be getting government handouts all my life and I want my son to have ambitions.”

If you know an outstanding learner why not celebrate their achievements and nominate them for an ALW scholarship.