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We’re all lifelong learners

We’re all lifelong learners

Most people think of formal schooling, TAFE or Uni when they think of learning. But nowadays with increasing technological change and more Australians moving away from traditional networks of family and friends, we need to keep learning way beyond the time of our formal education. Here’s just a few examples of the kinds of informal learning we do at different stages in our lives.

learnLiving independently

How to manage money, rent a house, look for a job, are all things that challenge young people making the transition to live away from home. Finding people and organisations who can teach your these lifeskills can make this transition easier.


Taking on the role of mum or dad is a huge learning curve. If you’re lucky you’ve got networks and loved ones around you who can show you how it’s done. But if your own parents weren’t good role models or you are isolated from your family this can be a tough time. Joining local groups of other parents can be a great waya to share ideas and experiences.

Work life

The demands of technology all place burdens on workers to keep up with change and develop new skills. Workplace training, conferences and workshops are great ways to keep developing skills.


Leaving the paid workforce can be a dream for many. But increased leisure time and lack of structure can make this a difficult time for older people to navigate so learning activities that focus on building friendships, improving health and wellbeing and building confidence with digital technology are all useful.

What life stage are you at and how could adult education help you navigate it better?