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Zaahra makes a new life

Zaahra makes a new life

Hailing from a country and culture in which the value of education for women is ignored, when Zahraa arrived in Australia from Iraq three years ago she was determined to change her trajectory. She wanted to become a doctor.

After enrolling in Level 4 of the Adult Migrant English Program and Skills for Education and Employment programs, she progressed to the Adult Tertiary Preparation course and completed her Senior Certificate equivalency in just six months.

Despite setbacks, uncertainty and a sense of being overwhelmed, Zahraa never lost sight of her goal and she took every available opportunity to extend her knowledge. Not only have her English language skills developed but she has also forged a new friendship circle with her classmates.

Intent on following her love of science, Zahraa successfully secured a place in Griffith University’s Bachelor of Health Science in 2018 and is now keenly pursuing her ambition of becoming a doctor.

If you know an outstanding learner why not celebrate their achievements and nominate them for an ALW scholarship.