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Scholarship Nominees

Kirsty Marshall, Victoria

Kirsty Marshall, Victoria

Kirsty Marshall was immediately interested when she heard that the Brotherhood of St Laurence’s Sustaining Economic Empowerment and Dignity for Women (SEED) program provides financial coaching and access to educational…

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Annette Leishman, Victoria

Annette Leishman, Victoria

Annette Leishman clearly values and embraces learning in all forms – formal, informal and everything in between. Annette’s university education led her to becoming a teacher and, more recently a…

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Mathew Bishop, South Australia

Mathew Bishop, South Australia

Mathew Bishop began in the Adult Literacy Program at PAE Libraries in 2021, as one of the first participants in this program which began as part of a Council led…

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Ting Xu, Victoria

Ting Xu, Victoria

Ting connected with the Glen Eira Adult Learning Centre through the Adult Migrant English Program (AMEP). Wanting to improve her English and then pursue other courses as she forged her…

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Zahra Heidari, Victoria

Zahra Heidari, Victoria

Zahra moved to Australia from Afghanistan with her 15 month old son in 2021 to be reunited with her husband. Determined to be able to be part of her new…

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Melanie Cameron, Queensland

Melanie Cameron, Queensland

Since joining the Sunshine Coast Libraries’ Read and Write for Life program, Melanie Cameron has developed new communication skills which have led to her engaging more actively in class discussions,…

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Jixiang Pang, Victoria

Jixiang Pang, Victoria

Jixiang is currently undertaking a beginner English class through the Adult Migrant Education Program run by Djerriwarrh Community and Education Services.   Jixiang’s dedication to learning English has led to…

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Jacinta McRae, Victoria

Jacinta McRae, Victoria

Jacinta McRae was working in the disability sector when she decided she wanted to gain a qualification for her own development and to help her be a better disability support…

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Ashleigh Bertram, Western Australia

Ashleigh Bertram, Western Australia

When Ashleigh Bertram was seeking information about Read Write Now’s literacy program, she had some key requirements – the course needed to further improve the reading and spelling skills she…

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John Lindsay, South Australia

John Lindsay, South Australia

When 61-year-old River Ngarrindjeri man, John Lindsay, started a pre-employment program at Tauondi Aboriginal College, he did not know how to turn on a laptop. Having never finished his schooling…

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Kristy Beech, Victoria

Kristy Beech, Victoria

Kristy Beech is an example of how adult education can change a person’s life no matter what barriers they have had to overcome. Kristy connected with the Ballarat Neighbourhood Centre…

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Cam Tran, Victoria

Cam Tran, Victoria

Cam is an adult learner with a visual disability in the Djerriwarrh Community and Educatio Services’ Skills for Education and Employment program. Originally from Vietnam, Cam is a dedicated to…

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