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Learning Ambassadors

#ALW2023 Learning Ambassador Sunil Abbott

#ALW2023 Learning Ambassador Sunil Abbott

Sunil Abbott, aged 69, migrated to Australia from India in 2011 with the equivalent of a Year 12 education. He struggled to adapt and had little or no knowledge of…

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#ALW2023 Learning Ambassador Belinda Flavel

#ALW2023 Learning Ambassador Belinda Flavel

Belinda Flavel, now 42 years old and a single mum to her 6 year old daughter started university at the age of 35. She didn’t finish year 10, because a…

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#ALW2023 Learning Ambassador Grahame Neville

#ALW2023 Learning Ambassador Grahame Neville

51-year-old Grahame Neville has worked in the same job in the laundry department of his local hospital for almost 30 years. It wasn’t that he lacked ambition. Grahame had been…

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#ALW2023 Learning Ambassador Deanie De Boer

#ALW2023 Learning Ambassador Deanie De Boer

Deanie 46, struggled throughout her school years. She found it hard to keep up with her peers and her teachers labelled her as below average academically. She never dreamed she…

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