Channelling lockdown fears

Eden first connected with Gunnedah Community College in November of 2018 when she enrolled to do an RSA and an RCG course. She was a fresh faced school leaver and she had enrolled on these courses to get some short term work in Hospitality as she navigated her way from school to the work force. In January of 2020 she came back to us and enrolled in a First Aid course as she recognised the value of this training not only for the workforce but for any aspects of life in general.
Eden is an outstanding student of the College. She is positive, focused and just loves learning new things. One of her significant achievements here was when she enrolled in an evening classes in September of 2020. The class was Leadership Skills and she undertook and completed two nationally recognised units.
Eden is a sponge for learning, soaking up the theory as well as intently listening to class discussions and others experiences. She was one of the first to arrive every week, ready to dive into the week’s task and completing her assessments on time and to a high standard. She engaged, listened and learnt.
Eden has plans for her career – setting life goals and working through what she needs to do to achieve. She understands the importance of learning, through an organisation such as Gunnedah Community College to help her achieve these goals. She wants to be the best she can be, isn’t leaving anything up to ‘chance”.
Eden is a self-starter – she isn’t training because she has been told to by her employer, this is her own decision and it shows. She thirsts for more learning, and is continuing this year to continue her personal growth.
Eden nominated herself for this course and her dedication to this was outstanding as she worked all day and then came to class until 9pm at night, the first to arrive and the last to leave as she always assisted the trainer to pack up and they left together for safety
Adult education has had a great impact on Eden’s life. She is constantly looking to see what other courses are available to her to better not only herself but others. In January of this year, she enrolled into the Mental Health First Aid which was facilitated by the Rural Adversity Mental Health Program. Eden recognised the unique challenges faced by people living and working in remote areas and many of her clients quite often confided in her and shared difficulties with her. She also wanted to develop skills to help her clients in a holistic way. She is currently enrolled in The Accidental Counsellor to support Mental Health for work.
Eden has gone from a school leaver to a future business woman of this very thriving country town. The journey so far in adult education has really developed her entrepreneurial skills but not only is she interested in her own personal journey but she is really engaged in helping other and this is evident in her commitment to mental health and well-being. Adult education has helped her grow not only professionally but personally as well
Eden is considering what she might need to do to ‘change her story’ due to the continued presence of Covid, yet another lockdown and once again, her not being able to work as she is a beauty therapist, as her employer had to shut the business down due to the state wide lockdown She was keen to learn the skills and knowledge to potentially open her own business.
She decided to enrol in an Excel class but just as she was about to embark on the Excel training, another state-wide lockdown was announced. Not to be deterred, she is determined to use the lockdown time to learn remotely and is participating via group zoom sessions.
Eden wants to diversify her employment opportunities in small business management and marketing. She is also committed to study whilst in lockdown and is looking at ways that she can take control in lockdown and diversify her options so she is not constantly out of work when lockdown hits.
Online business opportunities is something she is very passionate about as she looks towards opening her own business.
Eden’s advice is to channel your lockdown fears and anxieties into strength and empowerment so grab the pen and start writing your own story.