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Emma’s a role model

Emma’s a role model

Emma struggled at high school and left school early due to mental illness. She was encouraged to join Community College Northern Inland Inc’s Foundations Class but she was reluctant at first. However Emma enjoyed the class and it set her on a path to further study.

Next Emma enrolled in and completed a Certificate III in Individual support specialising in Disability in February 2018. Along with her studies Emma is a volunteer at a primary school assisting children with disabilities. As Emma’s self-esteem grew she became more confident to share information and insight and her experience in industry with the other students. Emma is an amazing role model in her class. And at such a young age she is remarkable the way she balances the demands of work, study and life.

Adult education has had a huge impact on Emma’s life. Emma has overcome some significant barriers in returning to study. Learning has helped her create and maintain a positive attitude. Emma has started to turn her life around and at work and socially she has been able to build many positive relationships.

Emma is interested in continuing learning and is particularly interested in studying a Certificate IV in Disabilities and learning to use sign language so that she can use it in teaching singing and music to the children she works with.

If you know an outstanding learner why not celebrate their achievements and nominate them for an ALW scholarship.