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Mason’s turned the corner

Mason’s turned the corner

When 26 year old Mason came into the Tiered Training and Transition program at The Bridge he had been unemployed for four years. He had spent most of his time alone at home with few opportunities for social interaction.

Mason was very isolated, disengaged from community, had very little confidence in his own abilities. He felt life lacked purpose and meaning. But he was determined to change this for himself and had a strong desire to re-engage with the community and to develop his skills for work. The Tiered Training and Transition program provides pre-employment training and develops work readiness skills for young adults with additional learning needs. The program takes place both in the classroom, at the Moon Rabbit social enterprise cafe and in the administration team at The Bridge. It incorporates group activities and hands-on learning to prepare participants for future employment or further education.

Mason definitely stood out in the program from the start. He always went above and beyond to further his own learning but also to support other students too. Mason understands that learning never stops and he knows how to learn, and he led by example.

Mason is now leaving the program with two casual jobs in events and hospitality, and as an invaluable member of the volunteer team at the Moon Rabbit cafe, and in the administration team here at The Bridge. Mason’s confidence has improved drastically.  Since finishing the program he has delivered a speech to an audience of 60+ people at The Bridge Employing Diversity Business Breakfast, regularly attends the Bendigo Bank Preston Connected Communities meetings and is a member of the Banyule LGBTIQ+ Advisory Committee. These changes in Mason’s life mean that he is now much more active socially and engaged with the community and he lives with renewed meaning, value and purpose.

Mason has a strong interest in mental health and would love to work in healthcare as a nurse or doctor. As the first step in his journey towards his goal, Mason would like to study a Certificate IV in Science or Tertiary Preparation to prepare him for the next steps on the pathway to becoming a health professional.

If you know an outstanding learner why not celebrate their achievements and nominate them for an ALW scholarship.